This has definitely been one of the hardest things I have done in my life! Being a parent brings me so much joy but believe me when I say it has been hard and a huge adjustment, but definitely worth it. Our beautiful boy Stefan Snyman was born on the 30th of August via cesarian section. He is now 6 weeks old and we have finally settled in and have established a routine that works well for us. The first two weeks were rough but every day gets a little bit easier and we already can’t imagine life without our baby boy!

The last weeks of my pregnancy were tough. I was put on bed rest for the last month and was in and out of hospital. It has not been easy, but looking back at it now, I’m glad that things turned out as it have – we are so blessed to have a healthy baby and that both of us had no complications during and after his birth.

The recovery process after the c-section has been easier than I thought it would be. Yes, I’ve been in pain but believe it could have been a lot worse. The first week was the worst because I was in a lot of pain even after taking my pain medication. It is getting better every day now and I can slowly start again with normal chores around the house – I’m sure my husband is very happy about that. He had to help out quite a lot during the last month of my pregnancy, as I could not really do anything.

I really can’t wait to get the all clear from my doctor in 2 weeks’ time to start exercising again. I’ve really missed my ‘daily fix’ of rebounding! I could not do any exercises the last month of my pregnancy and it was a very difficult time for me. There are so many benefits to rebounding, and I can’t wait to share my ‘bounce back’ journey with you. For the next couple of weeks I will focus on spending as much time as possible with my son and getting much needed rest when I can, to fully recover.

Healthy greetings,


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