Schematic showing pelvic floor muscle location

The pelvic floor muscle is a very important muscle for both women and men. The pelvic floor muscle is made up from layers of muscle and other tissues and these layers of the muscle stretch from the tailbone at the back, to the pubic bone in front. The pelvic floor of a woman supports her bladder, uterus and colon.

The reason why the pelvic floor muscle is so important, is that it may help urinary elimination, it may treat pelvic organ disablement and it may make sex better too. Basically everyone can benefit from pelvic floor exercises. A strong pelvic floor muscle allows the transition of urine and stool and is also important for sexual function in both men and women. The pelvic floor muscle also works with the abdominal and back muscles to stabilize and support the spine. You might ask how you will know if you have a weak pelvic floor? Well, if you are leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing or running, you might have a problem. Other symptoms include failing to reach the toilet in time or passing wind from either the anus or vagina (women) when bending over or lifting something heavy. The benefits of pelvic floor exercise include that it will improve the following:

  • Bladder and bowel control
  • Reduce the risk of organ disablement
  • Recovery after childbirth
  • Recovery after gynecological surgery (woman)
  • Recovery after prostate surgery (men)
  • Your social and quality of life

If you don’t do pelvic floor exercises especially after having a baby, you might start having bladder control problems and even more so when you reach middle age as the pelvic floor muscles tend to weaken as you get older. There is also a possibility that menopause can make illumination worse if you don’t have strong pelvic floor muscles.

You should be doing pelvic floor muscle exercises everyday, once a day until the day you die – this is how important it is. After surgery it can take anything from four to sixteen weeks (that’s four months) for the pelvic floor muscle to strengthen. It takes so long because there is a lot of tissue in your pelvic floor muscles.

Now I’m sure you would like to know which exercise you need to do to strengthen the pelvic floor. One of the most common exercises out there is to do kegel exercises. Kegel exercises are repeated voluntary contractions of the muscles which will help treat urinary illumination and will also help you to improve sexual function. The best thing about kegel exercises is that you can do them anytime and anywhere you want – now one will even know you are doing it. Other forms of exercise include bridge and squats.

The great thing about doing these exercises, is that as little as five minutes a day can significantly reduce for instance bladder issues, it might even go away completely.

Once again, this is the reason why rebounding is such a great exercise. Because of the fact that rebounding is a low impact exercise, the pelvic floor muscles experience repeated light stress. This will strengthen the pelvic floor muscles over time and may completely take away any issues you had with a weak bladder. Rebounding is just the best exercise out there!

Healthy greetings,


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